Social Studies

The fourth grade social studies curriculum includes maps skills, United States regions, states and capitals, Ancient China and immigration. Below are links that correlate with each unit of study for research, skills practice and fun.

Chinese Poetry Unit

During the past four years, our students have been privileged to work with Steven Ratiner, a poet who specializes in the poetry of Ancient China.  The quality of poetry the children produce under his direction is phenomenal.  We look forward to working with him again this year during early 2016.

As part of this unit, the children will create their own poetry booklet and scroll using painting techniques and tools from China.

As part of our Immigration unit the students will understand:

  • That the United States is a nation of immigrants and descendants of immigrants
  • That people from all over the world have emigrated to the United States for different reasons and that these reasons are called pushes and pulls.
  • That during the last few centuries there have been several "waves of immigration" to the United States.
  • That immigrants have made important contributions to American society and culture.