January 2020

Happy New Year! According to the Chinese zodiac, 2020 is the year of the rat.

This month in library classes…

Kindergarten students are reading stories about yoga and practicing some simple yoga poses through videos and songs.

First grade students are continuing to learn about parts of a book.  They are using the app Seesaw to annotate pictures and make videos to show their learning.

Second grade students are learning about different reference sources, both in print and online.  They had a very successful assembly last week where they shared their research of how fall and winter holidays around the world are both similar and different.

Third grade students are learning how to find books in the library.  They have already practiced finding fiction books by call number.  Next they will be learning about how to find books in the catalog.

Fourth grade students are learning about media choices and how to have a balance between media activities and non-media activities.

Fifth grade students are continuing a unit on Media Literacy.  In fifth grade, students learn about how the media can persuade, inform, and entertain.  They learn about common stereotypes in the media and how to make healthy media choices.