General Information

General Information

Play Dates

When you make a play-date for your kindergarten child, two dismissal notes are needed, one from the sending parent and one from the receiving parent.

On the full days, Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, play dates must be picked up at the end of our day. If kindergarten students ride the same bus home regularly and have a play-date, they may change stops on their regular bus any day. Please provided a note.

On the Kindergarten only half day Tuesdays and every Thursday, kindergarten students having play-dates may go on the kindergarten bus together. If your child will be riding a different bus home with a friend on one of these days, please make the arrangements in advance with the transportation department.

Snack Time

We have snack every day. Please send no more than two food items and one drink for snack. On the full days Monday, Wednesday and Friday snack is in the afternoon. On the half days Tuesdays and Thursdays snack is in the morning. If your child is invited to a Thursday afternoon class, please send a small afternoon snack.


Kindergarten students are allowed to buy lunch from the cafeteria. However, their only option for purchase is the hot lunch of the day. Information about the monthly lunch menu an how to purchase lunch can be found at the District website. Follow this link.


We are on the playground at least twice a day unless it is raining or very cold. Please send your child prepared for the weather.

In the winter it is essential for children to have

  • Snow pants
  • Boots
  • Mittens
  • A hat and anything else that will keep your child comfortable
  • An extra pair of socks

Children must stay on the blacktop in the winter if they do not have snow pants and boots.