

We spend significant time focusing on many genres including:

INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Informational text includes any nonfiction text about a specific topic or event.  Text features include pictures, captions, charts, tables, graphs, diagrams, maps, chapter-headings, subtopics, bold and italicized print, index, glossary, table of contents.

REALISTIC FICTION: Realistic fiction take place in a time and space that is real with characters that are true to life.  The characters' problems are real and could happen.

ANIMAL FANTASY: Animal fantasy is a type of fiction that included animal characters that behave like humans.  The events in the story cannot happen and the setting may or may not be imaginary.

POETRY: Poems are pieces of writing set in short lines often but not always with rhythm and rhyme.  Poems include figurative and descriptive language.  Elements of poetry include lines, stanzas, simile, metaphors, personification, alliteration, rhythm, rhyme, repetition.


Throughout the year, your child will explore many genres of writing including persuasive, narrative, and expository writing.  As a culminating research project each student will research, write, and design his or her own magazine.